And another oops. The single-thread numbers for glibc in this post were mis-copied (note they're identical to hoard's numbers). The multi-thread numbers and the CPU times are all correct.
The actual single-thread stats for glibc in that test run were: start 649 single 1281 01:02.25 single 1399 00:11.85 single 1404 01:43.01 single 1737 00:13.22 single 1748 00:12.80 single 1736 01:45.55 single 1764 00:12.79 single 1772 00:13.14
Still no idea why there are such erratic jumps in its behavior.
Howard Chu wrote:
back-bdb numbers for HEAD as of today: glibc hoard umem tcmalloc size time size time size time size time start 655 655 651 660 single 1703 00:20.50 1703 00:20.50 1696 00:22.24 1350 00:21.54 single 1708 00:11.79 1708 00:11.79 1720 00:12.26 1364 00:12.76 single 1715 00:12.86 1715 00:12.86 1743 00:13.61 1440 00:14.01 single 1729 00:12.98 1729 00:12.98 1743 00:13.07 1445 00:14.11 single 1729 00:12.91 1729 00:12.91 1743 00:13.05 1445 00:14.09 single 1746 00:12.93 1746 00:12.93 1743 00:13.08 1445 00:14.13 single 1747 00:12.92 1747 00:12.92 1743 00:13.06 1458 00:14.11 single 1747 00:12.92 1747 00:12.92 1743 00:13.06 1458 00:14.10 four 1814 00:41.54 1820 00:22.01 1791 00:22.97 1519 00:24.05 four 1858 00:44.89 1852 00:22.14 1791 00:22.43 1541 00:24.15 four 2035 00:33.69 1852 00:22.11 1791 00:22.36 1548 00:24.24 four 2060 00:33.89 1853 00:22.02 1791 00:22.35 1548 00:23.68 four 2075 00:33.67 1853 00:22.01 1791 00:22.30 1548 00:24.68 four 2066 00:35.08 1853 00:22.11 1799 00:22.33 1548 00:23.78 four 2056 00:32.59 1853 00:21.88 1815 00:22.24 1548 00:23.87 four 2055 00:41.03 1853 00:22.21 1815 00:22.11 1548 00:23.75 CPU1 06:16.19 01:49.00 01:54.14 01:59.01 CPU final 12:04.24 05:32.77 05:40.43 05:51.68