Gavin Henry wrote:
Dear All,
I know Howard wrote this:
But I'd like to gather a quick (if possible) list of 2.3 vs 2.4 features/differences/additions, so I can make sure we have a relevant section in the Admin Guide to point to and cover/discuss it etc.
If there are nice things not mentioned in the above post that is.
More overlays:
- slapo-dds (Dynamic Directory Services, RFC 2589) - slapo-memberof (reverse group membership maintenance)
New features in existing ones: - slapo-pcache allows cache inspection/maintenance/hot restart - slapo-rwm can safely interoperate with other overlays
New features in slapd: - monitoring of back-{b,h}db: cache fill-in, non-indexed searches, ... - session tracking control (draft-wahl-ldap-session) - subtree delete in back-sql (draft-armijo-ldap-treedelete)
New features in libldap: - ldap_sync client API (LDAP Content Sync Operation, RFC 4533)
New clients and tools: - ldapexop for arbitrary extended operations - complete support of controls in request/response for all clients
I can't seem to remember anything else that's not in 2.3 yet.
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
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