I'm currently working on implementing a generic back-sock listener in Python and two special instances of it. Mainly the current use-case is overlay usage intercepting bind requests.
Of course I'd like to monitor the back-sock listeners (internal state like counters etc.), probably via LDAP ideally with access control enforced by slapd itself.
Accessing the monitoring data could be done via search operations but I'd like to avoid mandating a generic "sockops search" overlay configuration just for monitoring data because every search request would be passed to the external listener even though the listener does not handle them (except for the monitoring data).
I could add additional backends with own suffixes pointing to the same back-sock listener. But having two or three separate listeners would require configuring the same number of database sections. Also having to implement to much access control in the database listeners is also not ideal.
It would be really nice if requests going to a back-sock listener configured as overlay could be pre-filtered by slapd configuration.
Something like
sockops search ldap:///cn=sock-listener-monitor,dc=example,dc=com??base?(objectClass=monitorSubEntry)
Would pass the search request only to the external listener of the search operation matches all parameters in the given LDAP URL. This would be also handy for other operations.
What do you think?
Ciao, Michael.
P.S.: These ITS would also improve back-sock (overlay) usage:
(ITS#8172) RFE: back-sock CONTINUE to get modified parameters (ITS#8177) RFE: back-sock to receive controls (ITS#8178) back-sock: Timeout to avoid locking