I'm attaching the "Really dynamic list" overlay, on which I have been working for the past 2 weeks. This is the Technology Preview version, so I need your input on the implementation. Also feel free to criticize, or to point out the flaws in my understanding of OpenLDAP, or the implementation of this overlay.
I have tested it, and it works without problems (at least on my setup).
This overlay works by updating the dynamic list entry's member attribute (which is not modifiable by the user) on an add/delete/modify/modrdn operation, adding or deleting the updated entry's DN to/from the dynamic list when the entry matches the any of the memberURL filters of the dynamic list.
I have modified the dyngroup schema slightly, adding the 'member' attribute to the MAY clause. This is needed to store the 'materialized' member DN's in the dynamic list entry in the database.
The config is similar to the dynlist overlay, but with mandatory member attribute:
rdynlist-attrset <group-oc> <URL-ad> <member-ad>
* rdynlist.patch is the patch for the schema and the configure/makefiles. -- Michał Szulczyński Praktykant Altkom Akademia S.A. http://www.altkom.pl Warszawa, ul. Chłodna 51
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