Michael Ströder wrote:
Pierangelo Masarati wrote:
inspection/maintenance: the cache database can be directly accessed via LDAP by adding a specific control to each LDAP request; a specific extended operation allows to consistently remove cached entries and entire cached queries.
Where are the control and the ext. op. defined?
It is __very__experimental, so #ifdef LDAP_DEVEL they get defined in pcache code itself, which dynamically registers the extensions and the related handlers. I meant to to "publish" sort of a specification, possibly in the docs (the exop is definitely going to be specific to pcache; the control could be generalized to all backends/overlays that contain hidden data, starting from the hidden database concept itself).
What I wrote so far is in http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/1420.html. Please feel free to comment and to suggest improvements.
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
SysNet s.r.l. via Dossi, 8 - 27100 Pavia - ITALIA http://www.sys-net.it --------------------------------------- Office: +39 02 23998309 Mobile: +39 333 4963172 Email: pierangelo.masarati@sys-net.it ---------------------------------------