I think a first pass would be to get all the infrasructure up with a single VM as a target. And I think adding non-Linux VMs is an obvious next step
FreeBSD, OpenSolaris, etc.
OK. So we have kvm running with libvirtd and an up to date Centos 5.3 64 bit vm running now with internal networking.
This works (you obviously need access here and I need to add you to the libvirtd user group).
virt-viewer --connect qemu+ssh://ghenry@fermat.openldap.org/system centos5.3-64
You can ssh to it from fermat too (ip provided offlist or via ifconfig using above).
Will move on to the build/test framework later.
If QEMU was further along I'd investigate that route too for non-x86 testing but unfortunately it seems to be fairly limited in that respect. (E.g., QEMU Sparc emulation still can't boot Solaris.)
Yeah, was looking into that and even tried solaris10 sparc. Of course, no joy.