I wrote:
Gavin Henry writes:
I've run Perl::Critic over this and fixed/updated to latest "Perl Best Practices". We might as well have an up to date sample.
Do you mind if I commit my changes?
My impression is that back-perl hovers on the verge of code rot, and any change is likely for the better.
Er... not this one, though:-( Our Perl version (5.8.8) interprets print <STDERR>, "Here in new\n"; as "read data from STDERR, then print that and the argument string to STDOUT". Is this some bleeding edge change to Perl?
Also I think the initial 'package' and 'use' statements should go below the comment at the top, and I'm not sure how new the "our" keyword is. I suspect there are some pretty old Perl versions out there, in particular on Windows.