Please test RE24 as it has been resync'd with head to address known issues.
Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Engineer
Zimbra, Inc
Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration has not enough room for me to upload the patch, so I'll
make the ITS later.
Here is it:
Both size and count limit on attributes work, I tested various
situations. There is just a bit I'm not sure about:
+ op->o_bd = on->on_info->oi_origdb;
+ rc = be_entry_get_rw( op, &op->o_req_ndn, NULL,
NULL, 0, &target_entry );
+ op->o_bd = be;
Is it the way I'm supposed to get an entry for which I have a DN? It
works, but it might be suboptimal.
Emmanuel Dreyfus