Full_Name: Test Seven Version: 2.4.15 OS: Windows URL: Submission from: (NULL) (
ldap_attributetype_free( at ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "register_at: AttributeType "%s": %s, %s\n", def, scherr2str(code), err );
You should swap the lines, because ``err'' points inside ``at''.
How to reproduce: Compile Debug version with LDAP_DEBUG e.g. with MSVC 2005. Don't configure it slapd.exe -d9
Output: register_at: AttributeType "( OLcfgDbAt:0.1 NAME 'olcDbDirectory' DESC 'Director y for database content' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX OMsDirectoryString SINGL E-VALUE )": OID could not be expanded, ŢŢŢŢŢŢŢŢŢŢŢŢŢŢŢŢŢŢ