Bug ID: 9197
Summary: slapd-ldap/slapo-chain hits error 80 after idletimeout
Product: OpenLDAP
Version: 2.5
Hardware: All
OS: All
Severity: normal
Priority: ---
Component: backends
Assignee: bugs(a)
Reporter: quanah(a)
Target Milestone: ---
From a customer:
In order to communicate via the LB managed writable ldap, we have to ensure
that an idle connection is periodically refreshed. If we do not, the LB will
silently drop the connection after 5 minutes.
Therefore to combat that I set an olcIdleTimeout on the writable server so that
the chain cached connections will be removed before the LB timeout hits.
However the slapo-ldap client goes into CLOSE_WAIT state, which causes
subsequent ldapmodify updates being brokered by the read only instance to fail
with err=80. There appear to be a few bugs filed on this in the past against
slapd-ldap, but it's not clear if we may be hitting the same issue, or if this
is a new one.
I've also connected the read only instances directly to the writable ldap
instances and the CLOSE_WAIT issue persists, so I don't believe the CLOSE_WAIT
issue is caused by the LB
These were the other threads I found as I started looking for this problem,
these are using the ldap-proxy though I think:
The LB we have seems to be set to forget connections that last over 5 min per
the setting, so the 240:10:30 seemed like it should have worked and I just
thought it wasn't working because in the man page the text "Only some systems
support the customization of these values" is present. however after setting
keepalive to 60:10:30 did I maintain a stable connection, so there may be other
network settings at play I'm not aware of.
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Issue ID: 9292
unclear on use of free
Product: OpenLDAP
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All
OS: All
Severity: normal
Priority: ---
Component: documentation
Assignee: bugs(a)
Reporter: sshanks(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Both state
"the caller has to free *outvalue"
This can be interpreted as the called must call free on outvalue.
This can cause a random crash when 'free' used (build on Linux ran ok, Windows
crashed immediately)
Would be better is it stated that the caller must use 'ldap_memfree', in the
same way as other options state use must use 'ldap_memfree'.
FYI: within the code, get_option for these params calls ldap_int_timeval_dup
which calls LDAP_MALLOC
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Bug ID: 9238
Summary: access control documentation is confusing
Product: OpenLDAP
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All
OS: All
Severity: normal
Priority: ---
Component: documentation
Assignee: bugs(a)
Reporter: kop(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Created attachment 716
git format-patch output
slapd.access says "Access control checking stops
at the first match of the <what> and <who> clause, unless
otherwise dictated by the <control> clause." But
this, by itself, is wrong. You have to read the next
sentence, which says there's an implicit "by * none
stop", meaning that the default is to stop when only <what>
Patch attached.
I, Karl O. Pinc, hereby place the following modifications to OpenLDAP Software
(and only these modifications) into the public domain. Hence, these
modifications may be freely used and/or redistributed for any purpose with or
without attribution and/or other notice.
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Bug ID: 9246
Summary: Improve authzFrom/authzTo docs
Product: OpenLDAP
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All
OS: All
Severity: normal
Priority: ---
Component: documentation
Assignee: bugs(a)
Reporter: kop(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Created attachment 724
The defaults for group/objectclass/attributetype were not documented.
Improve the section overall.
I, Karl O. Pinc, hereby place the following modifications to OpenLDAP Software
(and only these modifications) into the public domain. Hence, these
modifications may be freely used and/or redistributed for any purpose with or
without attribution and/or other notice.
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Issue ID: 9283
Summary: Mutex leak in backend.c`backend_db_init()
Product: OpenLDAP
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All
OS: All
Severity: normal
Priority: ---
Component: slapd
Assignee: bugs(a)
Reporter: grapvar(a)
Target Milestone: ---
if bi_db_init() fails, but [BackendDB *be] is not listed in [slap_be_head
backendDB] list of backends, then be->be_pcl_mutex is not destroyed.
| BackendDB *
| backend_db_init( ... )
| {
| ...
| ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_init( &be->be_pcl_mutex );
| ...
| if ( bi->bi_db_init )
| rc = bi->bi_db_init( be, cr );
| if ( rc != 0 ) {
| if ( !b0 ) {
| ...
| ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_destroy( &be->be_pcl_mutex );
| ch_free( be );
Additionally, it does not look like that owner of [b0] cares about destroying
this mutex.
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Issue ID: 9293
Summary: slapo-ppolicy stores pwdGraceUseTime only with seconds
Product: OpenLDAP
Version: 2.4.50
Hardware: All
OS: All
Severity: normal
Priority: ---
Component: overlays
Assignee: bugs(a)
Reporter: michael(a)
Target Milestone: ---
If password is expired slapo-ppolicy can return the number of grace logins for
changing own password (graceAuthNsRemaining).
slapd derives graceAuthNsRemaining from number of pwdGraceUseTime values. But
those timestamps are only stored with a granularity of a second.
Thus multiple grace logins are possible within a second without decremeting
graceAuthNsRemaining value.
This is unexpected and also leads to absurd work-arounds when writing automated
tests like this:…
Either a real Integer counter should be used or fraction of seconds should be
used in pwdGraceUseTime values.
This is a similar problem like pwdFailureTime solved in ITS#7161.
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Issue ID: 9400
Summary: Proxy bind retry fails after remote server disconnects
Product: OpenLDAP
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All
OS: All
Severity: normal
Priority: ---
Component: backends
Assignee: bugs(a)
Reporter: tero.saarni(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Problem description
I'm using slapd-ldap to proxy for a remote LDAP server. LDAP backend is
configured to:
- allow user binds that are passed directly to the remote LDAP server
- allow local user binds that are mapped to remote bind using idassert-bind
The problem happens when remote LDAP server abruptly disconnects the
(idle) LDAP connection. For example, next search operation will fail with
Server is unavailable (52)
Additional information: misconfigured URI?
The operation will succeed when repeating it for second time.
Reproducing the problem
I created a test case that reproduces the problem
Preliminary troubleshooting
While troubleshooting this I observed following:
(A) The problem is related to retry after remote server abruptly dropped the
LDAP connection.
Call chain ldap_back_retry() -> ldap_back_dobind_int() ->
ends up in this branch:
if ( !( li->li_idassert_flags & LDAP_BACK_AUTH_OVERRIDE )) {
if ( op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_BIND ) {
if ( !BER_BVISEMPTY( &ndn )) {
dobind = 0;
goto done;
where "dobind = 0" causes "binddn" and "bindcred" return variables NOT to be
Then in ldap_back_dobind_int() we fall into this branch:
if ( BER_BVISEMPTY( &binddn ) && BER_BVISEMPTY( &bindcred ) ) {
/* if we got here, it shouldn't return result */
rc = ldap_back_is_proxy_authz( op, rs,
LDAP_BACK_DONTSEND, &binddn, &bindcred );
if ( rc != 1 ) {
Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: ldap_back_is_proxy_authz "
"returned %d, misconfigured URI?\n", rc );
rs->sr_err = LDAP_OTHER;
rs->sr_text = "misconfigured URI?";
if ( sendok & LDAP_BACK_SENDERR ) {
send_ldap_result( op, rs );
goto done;
(B) The problem does NOT occur if configuring separate instances of back-ldap:
- one backend for users: BIND is done with users own credentials - no idassert
- second backend for local admin: local admin BIND is overwritten with
Possibly the same problem have been discussed also earlier, for example
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Issue ID: 9332
Summary: Compilation of 2.4.52 fails: "init.c", line 45: too
many initializers for scalar
Product: OpenLDAP
Version: 2.4.52
Hardware: All
OS: Solaris
Severity: normal
Priority: ---
Component: build
Assignee: bugs(a)
Reporter: stacey.marshall(a)
Target Milestone: ---
The addition of integer ldo_tls_require_san to structure requires an additional
initialization digit to macro LDAP_LDO_TLS_NULLARG.
--- openldap-2.4.52/libraries/libldap/ldap-int.h 2020-08-28
09:10:00.000000000 -0700
+++ openldap-2.4.52.x/libraries/libldap/ldap-int.h 2020-09-01
10:08:44.661226154 -0700
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
int ldo_tls_impl;
int ldo_tls_crlcheck;
int ldo_tls_require_san;
-#define LDAP_LDO_TLS_NULLARG ,0,0,0,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},0,0,0,0
+#define LDAP_LDO_TLS_NULLARG ,0,0,0,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},0,0,0,0,0
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