Dear All,
I've mentioned this in passing to Howard and he was going to have a wee chat with the Samba guys at SambaXP about theirs:
So I popped into #samba-technical and asked about setting the above up. Few guys asked what for, and Jeremy Allison ( and Google, in case you didn't know ;-) ) asked me to ping him a serious funding proposal:
<snip irc>
<wanon> did someone ask for money.... ? <ghenry> wanon: got some? ;-) <wanon> This is OpenLDAP right ? <ghenry> yup <wanon> put a proposal togther. A *serious* one, and mail it to me. <ghenry> wanon: Will do <ghenry> wanon: Tips? <ghenry> wanon: Should I google for your address? ;-) <ghenry> heh <wanon> Ask for a concrete amount, and give explicit reasons why you want it. <ghenry> Business plan? Or one pager? <wanon> One pager to start. <ghenry> Ok. Google funding, correct? <ghenry> excuse me if I should know, sorry <wanon> yep <ghenry> would you be kind enough to msg me your e-mail? <wanon> just google for it. <ghenry> heh, ok <wanon> or use my address * abartlet remembers the days when we didn't know who wanon was :-) <ghenry> So, funding proposal for OpenLDAP Build Farm. Thanks wanon <ghenry> going to post to openldap-devel then go from there with rest of team. thanks again all (abartlet wanon) <wanon> ok, works for me !
So, can we put a serious one together and get a build farm!