On Wed, Mar 02, 2016 at 04:31:39PM +0100, Cl??ment OUDOT wrote:
2016-03-01 15:33 GMT+01:00 Brian Reichert reichert@numachi.com:
I know this isn't the forum for this, but I can't reach the LTB Project's website or mail server; traceroutes fall off somewhere in Europe.
You should contact us directly on LTB mailing list, or IRC (#ltb-project).
I tried, but your mail servers were unreachable, as well.
For a period of a couple of hours on 3/1/2016 (approx 09:00-11:30 EST) from various places in the US and Europe, you website and sole mail server were unreachable. Traceroutes failing, etc. (Somewhere in Switzerland? I should have kept the traceroute output.)
Anyway, it was transient, and everything is reachable now.
Thanks for the feedback, though...