fabio.ubaldi@coritel.it wrote:
Full_Name: Fabio Ubaldi
Version: 2.3.27
OS: Linux kernel 2.6.18
Submission from: (NULL) (
It seems that the error happens only if the two process runs
simultaneously (I use a dual core PC). Thinking of a race condition
error , I used the libldap_r library to build process, but the error
still remains.
Processes are completely separate (unless you happen to be using explicitly
shared memory). It's pretty much impossible for any code in libldap to be
directly responsible for the behavior you're reporting. If you're using a new
socket for each request and not closing them when done, it's likely that
you're running out of free ports in your system.
The openldap version is 2.3.27 both for slapd servers and the libraries.
Have anyone encountered a similar error ?
Thanks in advance for the reply
There is no indication of a bug in OpenLDAP Software here. This ITS will be
closed. Since it's most likely an issue in how you coded your application, you
can followup to the OpenLDAP-software mailing list if you want to discuss this
-- Howard Chu
Chief Architect, Symas Corp.
Director, Highland Sun
Chief Architect, OpenLDAP