Issue ID: 9921
Summary: Tautology in clients/tools/common.c:print_vlv()
Product: OpenLDAP
Version: 2.6.3
Hardware: All
OS: All
Keywords: needs_review
Severity: normal
Priority: ---
Component: client tools
Assignee: bugs(a)
Reporter: dpa-openldap(a)
Target Milestone: ---…
tool_write_ldif( ldif ? LDIF_PUT_COMMENT : LDIF_PUT_VALUE,
ldif ? "vlvResult" : "vlvResult", buf, rc );
The second parameter is always vlvResult, irrespective of the value of ldif.
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Issue ID: 10084
Summary: Move away from DIGEST-MD5 as a default in the test
Product: OpenLDAP
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All
OS: All
Keywords: needs_review
Severity: normal
Priority: ---
Component: test suite
Assignee: bugs(a)
Reporter: ondra(a)
Target Milestone: ---
cyrus-sasl seem on the verge or removing the DIGEST-MD5 mechanism from 2.2
onwards. As such we should update our defaults in a couple of our test scripts
for master/2.7 at least. Are SCRAM mechanisms the go-to these days?
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Issue ID: 10195
Summary: permissive modify control without value
Product: OpenLDAP
Version: 2.6.7
Hardware: All
OS: All
Keywords: needs_review
Severity: normal
Priority: ---
Component: slapd
Assignee: bugs(a)
Reporter: lesignor(a)
Target Milestone: ---
A windows ldap client (dotnet) format the request with oid permissive modify
control like this :
00d0 30 84 00 00 00 1e 04 17 ........0.......
00e0 31 2e 32 2e 38 34 30 2e 31 31 33 35 35 36 2e 31 1.2.840.113556.1
00f0 2e 34 2e 31 34 31 33 01 01 ff 04 00 .4.1413.....
The last 2 bytes 04 00 seems to indicate no value (length of value = 0 ?).
With openldap 2.4.x this request was accepted.
With openldap 2.5.x or openldap 2.6.x, this request is rejected for invalid
protocol with error message : permissiveModify control value not absent
With ldapmodify from openldap, the same request is formatted without the last 2
bytes and is accepted.
Could it be possible to accept request with control without value formatted
with 04 00 to indicate no value ?
It will help to migrate from openldap 2.4.x to 2.5.x or 2.6.x
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Issue ID: 10026
Summary: Refresh handling can skip entries (si_dirty not
managed properly)
Product: OpenLDAP
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All
OS: All
Keywords: needs_review
Severity: normal
Priority: ---
Component: overlays
Assignee: bugs(a)
Reporter: ondra(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Take MPR plain syncrepl with 3+ providers.
When a provider's own syncrepl session transitions to persist and a it starts a
new parallel session towards another host, that session always has to start as
a refresh. If that refresh serves entries to us, our handling of si_dirty is
not consistent:
- if the existing persist session serves some of these entries to us, we can
"forget" to pass the others to a newly connected consumer
- same if the refresh is abandoned and we start refreshing from a different
provider that might be behind what we were being served (again our consumers
could suffer)
- if we restart, si_dirty is forgotten and our consumers suffer even worse
We might need to be told (at the beginning of the refresh?) what the end state
we're going for is, so we can keep si_dirty on until then. And somehow persist
that knowledge in the DB...
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Issue ID: 10071
Summary: Extra sids in cookie should only be ignored for replay
Product: OpenLDAP
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All
OS: All
Keywords: needs_review
Severity: normal
Priority: ---
Component: slapd
Assignee: bugs(a)
Reporter: ondra(a)
Target Milestone: ---
A consumer's cookie might contain sids that the provider is not aware of. Those
are currently screened out. This is appropriate for initial checks whether/how
to allow the operation to go ahead but might be needed for content
determination in refresh/persist. As such the cookie should be retained rather
than edited in place.
I don't have the logs from a failed test at hand but will post the
analysis/logs if I find them again.
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Issue ID: 10168
Summary: olcdbindex doesn't cleanup cleanly
Product: OpenLDAP
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All
OS: All
Keywords: needs_review
Severity: normal
Priority: ---
Component: slapd
Assignee: bugs(a)
Reporter: ondra(a)
Target Milestone: ---
if you run the following modify against slapd (notice the olcDbMultival data is
wrong), slapd aborts in mdb_cf_cleanup->mdb_attr_dbs_open when cleaning up the
olcDbIndex changes:
dn: olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
changetype: modify
add: olcDbIndex
olcDbIndex: member eq
olcDbIndex: memberof eq
add: olcDbMultival
olcDbMultival: member,memberOf 5,15
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Issue ID: 10191
Summary: backend searches should respond to pause requests
Product: OpenLDAP
Version: 2.6.7
Hardware: All
OS: All
Keywords: needs_review
Severity: normal
Priority: ---
Component: backends
Assignee: bugs(a)
Reporter: hyc(a)
Target Milestone: ---
A long running search will cause mods to cn=config to wait a long time. Search
ops should periodically check for threadpool pause requests.
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Issue ID: 10162
Summary: Fix for binary attributes data corruption in back-sql
Product: OpenLDAP
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All
OS: All
Keywords: needs_review
Severity: normal
Priority: ---
Component: backends
Assignee: bugs(a)
Reporter: dex.tracers(a)
Target Milestone: ---
Created attachment 1006
Fix for binary attributes corruption on backed-sql
I've configured slapd to use back-sql (mariadb through odbc) and observed
issues with the BINARY data retrievals from the database. The length of the
attributes was properly reported, but the correct data inside was always 16384
bytes and after that point - some junk (usually filled-up with AAAAAAAA and
some other attributes data from memory).
During the debugging - I've noticed that:
- The MAX_ATTR_LEN (16384 bytes) is used to set the length of the data for
BINARY columns when SQLBindCol is done inside of the
"backsql_BindRowAsStrings_x" function
- After SQLFetch is done - data in row->cols[i] is fetched up to the specified
- After SQLFetch is done - the correct data size (greater than MAX_ATTR_LEN) is
represented inside of the row->value_len
I'm assuming that slapd allocates the pointer in memory (row->cols[i]), fills
it with the specified amount of data (MAX_ATTR_LEN), but when forming the
actual attribute data - uses the length from row->value_len and so everything
from 16384 bytes position till row->value_len is just a junk from the memory
(uninitialized, leftovers, data from other variables).
After an investigation, I've find-out that:
- for BINARY or variable length fields - SQLGetData should be used
- SQLGetData supports chunked mode (if length is unknown) or full-read mode if
the length is known
- it could be used in pair with SQLBindCol after SQLFetch (!)
Since we have the correct data length inside of row->value_len, I've just added
the code to the backsql_get_attr_vals() function to overwrite the corrupted
data with the correct data by issuing SQLGetData request. And it worked -
binary data was properly retrieved and reported over LDAP!
My current concerns / help needed - I'm not very familiar with the memory
allocation/deallocation mechanisms, so I'm afraid that mentioned change can
lead to memory corruption (so far not observed).
Please review attached patch (testing was done on OPENLDAP_REL_ENG_2_5_13, and
applied on the master branch for easier review/application).
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Issue ID: 10194
Summary: Does LMDB support zero length keys?
Product: LMDB
Version: 0.9.29
Hardware: All
OS: All
Keywords: needs_review
Severity: normal
Priority: ---
Component: liblmdb
Assignee: bugs(a)
Reporter: roger.marsh(a)
Target Milestone: ---
I suspect the answer is 'No' but do not see a definitive statement.
I followed the Python code and documentation trail below, but decided to ask
here when I concluded I could not decide.
Some Python code was adapted from berkeleydb to lmdb and gave an exception for
cursor.set_range_dup(b'', <some value>) call. Reading the lmdb/ code in
site-packages prompted me to try cursor.set_range(b''), which seemed reasonable
given that is what is done for berkeleydb, and it worked.
However cursor.put(b'', <some value>) gave an exception quoting "mdb_put:
The documentation for the Python interface to LMDB at
states behaviour for the empty bytestring for set_key(), set_key_dup(), and
set_range(); but not for set_range_dup() or put(). Only set_key() and
set_key_dup() describe empty bytestring as an error.
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