dugangfeng@163.com wrote:
Full_Name: dugangfeng Version: openldap-2.4.7 OS: linuxAS4 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
hi all: I start slapd by -d -1 command,'slapd -d -1',but print this:
Your report says OpenLDAP 2.4.7 but the debug output you provided clearly says OpenLDAP 2.2.13, from August 2004. It appears you're running the wrong version.
@(#) $OpenLDAP: slapd 2.2.13 (Aug 19 2004 21:22:15) $ root@porky.build.redhat.com:/usr/src/build/440386-i386/BUILD/openldap-2.2.13/openldap-2.2.13/build-servers/servers/slapd daemon_init:<null>
please help me ,thanks.
The ITS is for actual bug reports, not for help requests. Use the OpenLDAP-software mailing list for help using the software. There is no OpenLDAP bug here, this ITS will be closed.
If you actually paid attention to the diagnostic output it would be obvious what the problem is. The biggest help we can give you is to tell you to read more carefully.