That's news to me. Then I googled it. You're right.
The C Standard,, paragraph 7 [ISO/IEC 9899:2011], states
A pointer to an object or incomplete type may be converted to a pointer to a different object or incomplete type. If the resulting pointer is not correctly aligned for the referenced type, the behavior is undefined.
On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 9:41 AM, Hallvard Breien Furuseth wrote:
Looks like another type aliasing problem to me. The data is accessed through an MDB_page* variable. This tells the compiler that the data is word-aligned, like struct MDB_page. Fix: Use a void/char pointer, don't lie to the compiler.
Good catch.
We once discussed padding odd-length keys to make sure the data was still word-aligned. Maybe should do that in LMDB 1.0. This particular crash is now fixed in mdb.master. I've left other derefs of *fp alone for the moment but may need to revisit that later; older ARM and SPARC would probably choke on them.