ctcard@hotmail.com wrote:
Full_Name: Chris Card Version: HEAD (on 30 June 2011) OS: Centos 5.4 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
I am running slapd built from HEAD on June 30th 2011, with back-sql backend, and pcache and sssvlv overlays.
I am submitting a search request with vlv and sort controls.
In the sort control I am specifying attributeType cn and orderingRule caseIgnoreOrderingMatch.
If I specify 'd' as the greaterThanOrEqual value of the vlv control, beforeCount 0 and afterCount 4, I get 5 entries with the following cns returned:
Dave Smith Fiona Smith Glynis Smith Jane Smith Jennifer Smith
If I specify 'g' in greaterThanOrEqual I get:
Glynis Smith Jane Smith Jennifer Smith Jim Smith Mark Smith
But if I specify 'f' I get no entries returned.
Now fixed in git master.