emmanuel.duru@atosorigin.com wrote:
Full_Name: Emmanuel Duru Version: 2.4.16 OS: Windows URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
OpenLDAP 2.4.16 does not compile on Windows. When compiling liblber and libldap, there are undefined references to winsock functions. The last version I used was OpenLDAP 2.4.13 and it worked fine. Comparing both versions, I see that there misses -lws2_32 in liblber and libldap makefiles in 2.4.16 release.
That's interesting. At least one other person (ITS#6174) disagrees with you. Seems there's something wrong with your build environment. Since other folks are building on Windows, I don't believe this is a bug in OpenLDAP.