Full_Name: Дилян Палаузов Version: 2.4 OS: Linux URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
How can I write to a ticket here, after I submit it?
https://www.openldap.org/software/man.cgi?query=slapd-mdb&apropos=0&... (man slapd-mdb) is not clear about indices.
Is olcDbIndex A eq olcDbIndex B eq the same as olcDbIndex A,B eq and is the latter the same as oldDbIndex B,A eq ? In the SQL word these are different things and while Postgresql is supposed to handle "index A,B" and "index B.A" as equivalent, it does not, so a query has to be tuned to make use of existing indices.
The particular use-case is the LDAP backend of MIT Kerberos and the indices it needs for this query, as discussed at https://github.com/krb5/krb5/pull/974#issuecomment-531167854. The debug output of OpenLDAP is:
Sep 13 09:09:03 mail slapd[14296]: 5d7b5caf conn=1117 op=7 SRCH base="cn=X.NET,cn=krbContainer" scope=2 deref=0 filter="(&(|(objectClass=krbPrincipalAux)(objectClass=krbPrincipal))(krbPrincipalName=krbtgt/X.NET@X.NET))" Sep 13 09:09:03 mail slapd[14296]: 5d7b5caf conn=1117 op=7 SRCH attr=krbprincipalname krbcanonicalname objectclass krbprincipalkey krbmaxrenewable age krbmaxticketlife krbticketflags krbprincipalexpiration krbticketpolicyreference krbUpEnabled krbpwdpolicyreference krbpasswordexpiration krbLastFailedAuth krbLoginFailedCount krbLastSuccessfulAuth krbLastPwdChange krbLastAdminUnlock krbPrincipalAuthInd krbExtraData krbObjectReferences krbAllowedToDelegateTo krbPwdHistory Sep 13 09:09:03 mail slapd[14296]: 5d7b5caf <= mdb_equality_candidates: (objectClass) not indexed Sep 13 09:09:03 mail slapd[14296]: 5d7b5caf conn=1117 op=7 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=1 text=
Does it need one index on objectClass, one index on krbPrincipal, or one index on "first objectClass, then krbPrincipal"?
If no mdb_candidate output can be triggered, does it mean, that creating an index is pointless?
Moreover, it is not clear when changing the oldDbIndex on a database regenerates the index, and when running slapindex is necessary.