Full_Name: Jean-Paul Gressard Version: 2.4.7 OS: Madrake distribution (v10) URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
The query (&(sn=XXXXXX*)(givenName=*))can not find the entry below.
dn: uid=XXXXXXDDDDD14977,l=Geneva,c=CH,o=who,o=directoryroot sn: XXXXXX objectClass: inetOrgPerson uid: XXXXXXDDDDD14977 telephoneNumber: 14977 o: who givenName: DDDDD cn: XXXXXX, DDDDD
I tested the same query on the version 2.4.6 and it was working. Furthermore, if I amend the query to (&(sn=XXX*)(givenName=D*)), or (sn=XXX*) I find the entry.