Full_Name: Ali Pouya Version: 2.3.35 OS: Linux RedHat AS4 (kernel 2.6) URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
Hi, I use openldap 2.3.35 with the following bdb configuration.
database bdb .... checkpoint 1000000 10
In my DB_CONFIG file I have :
There ise a great LDAP read/write activity on my server.
I notice that every 10 minutes some of my search requests receive randomly an error 3 (Time Limit Exceeded) within one or two seconds while I'm using the slapd default timelimit (3600 seconds).
I think a relation exists between this error and the checkpoint activity (slapd is inclined to generate unjustified error 3 at checkpoint time) . Is it possible to study this problem ?
I can send more information if required.
Thanks for your help Best regards Ali Pouya