Full_Name: kevin Version: 2.4.35 OS: ubuntu URL: Submission from: (NULL) (
The problem is due to double free pointers in send_page() and free_sort_op() function.
In send_page function, some nodes of so_tree have been free by ch_free and ber_memfree function. If a client suddenly aborts the connection, free_sort_op function will be called. In free_sort_op function, tavl_free() will be called and it try to free the nodes of so_tree. Hoverer, some of nodes had already free before and segmentation resulted.
A possible solution is to to check whether it is a paged request in free_sort_op function. If yes, continuous to free the next node of so_tree but not free previous node.
Thanks for the report. The fix is simpler than that, and now in git master.