Full_Name: Andrew Findlay Version: 2.4.24 OS: OpenSuSE 11.3 URL: Submission from: (NULL) (
For various test and teaching purposes I have a set of OpenLDAP configs that run small servers intended for local access only. As I run these on a wide variety of machines and also give them to students to run on their own machines, all the LDAP clients are set up to access the servers via the loopback interface: typically ldap://localhost:1389/
Some of the configs use TLS. I have a local CA which issues simple server certs, usually with 'CN=localhost' as part of the subject name. Since upgrading the OS and OpenLDAP version of my main test environment I find that TLS connections are failing:
My client scripts used to work: I think this was purely because earlier versions of the TLS client code were less careful about checking certificates. Specifically, the 'self signed certificate in certificate chain' error was not even reported unless client-side debugging was turned on.
Used to work - since when, what release, what else has changed since then? I'll note that I just tested some localhost certs a few days ago and they were fine, and the cert verification code hasn't changed in quite a long time.
(E.g., ITS#6711 the test setup there uses localhost with no problem.)