zerbe@phil.uni-duesseldorf.de wrote:
Full_Name: Sebastian Zerbe Version: 2.4.23-7 OS: Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/sebastian-zerbe-110309.tar.gz Submission from: (NULL) (
Trying to modify the local schema cn={5}philfak,cn=schema,cn=config with the given ldif-file modify_phil_schema.ldif using "ldapmodify -x -D cn=admin,cn=config -W -f modify_phil_schema.ldif" results in a slapd crash with kernel log entries like these:
[3451954.217075] slapd[2593]: segfault at 70 ip 080bd73f sp ae5f9910 error 4 in slapd[8048000+11b000] [3451972.088717] slapd[5716]: segfault at 70 ip 080bd73f sp b1bfe910 error 4 in slapd[8048000+11b000] [3452718.916547] slapd[5830]: segfault at 70 ip 080bd73f sp b1992910 error 4 in slapd[8048000+11b000]
Further debugging is nearly impossible. If slapd is running in gdb it does not crash (but the modifications do not take place either)...
The crash has been fixed in HEAD, but your mod request will still fail because Delete is not supported for olcObjectIdentifier attributes.