dw@botanicus.net wrote:
Full_Name: David Wilson Version: bf0e97aa0e9 @ git://gitorious.org/mdb/mdb.git OS: Linux URL: https://gist.github.com/dw/ba100e59b42ed5fccb67/raw/f25b08334e6956d9558bb055... Submission from: (NULL) (
The attached cursor-del-break.c exhibits an assertion failure after successfully deleting 1246 256-byte records from a set of 2048. This hammers the case where one cursor is used to iterate, while a temporary cursor is used to delete the record currently pointed to by the first cursor.
cursor-del-break: src/py-lmdb/lib/mdb.c:5025: mdb_cursor_next: Assertion `((((mp)->mp_flags) & (0x02)) == (0x02))' failed.
Thanks for the report, fixed now in mdb.master.