Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
--On Monday, August 01, 2011 9:47 PM +0000 hyc@symas.com wrote:
Your log shows that the subsequent search request initiates a new Bind to the remote server, which implies that it's not re-using the same connection as the first request. Since a paged results cookie is only valid within the context of a single connection, you get this error result.
Given that the client making the request is ldapsearch, which is not going to rebind mid search, and you can see it is done with noprompt, so there's no human interaction here, it seems like back-ldap is buggy here. Why is *back-ldap* closing its connection to the upstream server and initiating a new bind?
You haven't provided any slapd configuration info. Without seeing that it's way premature to claim there's any bug here.
Look at the log yourself. back-ldap *doesn't* close the connection. Don't spew garbage about what it does when it didn't actually do such a thing.