Thanks. So far the output shows nothing out of the ordinary. Can you also
provide the output for:
ls -l /opt/openldap/var/openldap-data
Note from the mmap(2) manpage:
Use of a mapped region can result in these signals:
Attempted write into a region mapped as read-only.
SIGBUS Attempted access to a portion of the buffer that does not
correspond to the file (for example, beyond
the end of the file, including the case where another process
has truncated the file).
LMDB always sets the size of the file when using the WRITEMAP option, so the
SIGBUS condition should never happen. The pointers in your gdb output are all
within the bounds of the map and mapsize you configured.
What filesystem type is the data directory stored on? This is looking more
like a kernel or filesystem bug than anything else.
Željko Nejašmić wrote:
On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 2:57 PM, wrote:
Željko Nejašmić wrote:
On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 6:43 PM, <> wrote:
I ran the whole test suite for mdb, and as far as I can see, every test
returned OK.
Found a new way to reproduce the SIGBUS using ldapadd on Ubuntu 12.04 firing
to openldap on RH 6.3:
ldapadd -h -p 389 -D "cn=admin,dc=test" -w test -f test.ldif --
ldif file is the same as the previous ldclt command. Doubt it matters, but the
ldif file is 1M adds.
Can you provide your slapd config and this LDIF?
LDIF file is just 1M adds of the following format:
dn: uid=XXXXXXX,ds=USERS,o=STANDARD,dc=spr
objectClass: sprUser
I've uploaded the config here:
On the RH box:
- compiled openldap with -g -O0 and previously used flags
gdb `find /root/openldap/ -type d -printf '-d %p '` --args
/opt/openldap/libexec/slapd -h "ldap:/// ldapi:///" -F
/opt/openldap/etc/openldap/slapd.d -g openldap -u openldap -d 0
gdb output:
bt --
bt 10 full --
Can you also provide the gdb output for
print *env
(gdb) print *env
$1 = {me_fd = 15, me_lfd = 14, me_mfd = 15, me_flags = 940113920,
me_psize = 4096,
me_maxreaders = 126, me_numreaders = 2, me_numdbs = 13, me_maxdbs =
130, me_pid = 43974,
me_path = 0x8c19a0 "/opt/openldap/var/openldap-data", me_map =
0x7ff6f721f000 "",
me_txns = 0x7ffff7ffb000, me_metas = {0x7ff6f721f010,
0x7ff6f7220010}, me_txn = 0x7ff6dc10afd0,
me_mapsize = 38654705664, me_size = 0, me_maxpg = 9437184, me_dbxs = 0x8eed10,
me_dbflags = 0x8ceb40, me_txkey = 1, me_pgstate = {mf_pghead =
0x7ff6dc109d58, mf_pglast = 44},
me_dpages = 0x0, me_free_pgs = 0xaf75e8, me_dirty_list =
0x7ffff721f010, me_maxfree_1pg = 509,
me_nodemax = 2040}
-- Howard Chu
CTO, Symas Corp.
Director, Highland Sun
Chief Architect, OpenLDAP
-- Howard Chu
CTO, Symas Corp.
Director, Highland Sun
Chief Architect, OpenLDAP