Jan Zelený wrote:
Dne čtvrtek 24 září 2009 22:19:40 Howard Chu napsal(a):
jzeleny@redhat.com wrote:
Full_Name: Jan Zeleny Version: 2.4.18 OS: Fedora 11 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
I'm unable to reproduce this using slapd on a debian x86-64 system, whether on the local LAN or from 13 hops away. I've also used the tcp-buffer option to set a minimum sized socket buffer and still could not duplicate the problem. You will need to provide more explicit information on how to reproduce this issue. Perhaps providing a set of CA/server certs will also be necessary.
I'm not sure I have much more explicit information for you. I'm sending certificate in attachment. It's a self signed testing certificate I generated on my system. I'm also sending you slapd.conf with relevant information and CA bundle file. If you need anything else, just let me know.
Just for complete information: I tried slapd on Fedora 12 and RHEL 5.3 (x86_64) and on Ubuntu 9.04 (i386). On each system I used different self signed certificate. In both cases attached slapd.conf file was used. To reproduce error, I just started the slapd service (slapd -h 'ldaps:///' -u ldap) with given config file and connected to it. When I tried to connect with openssl s_client -connect fedora12-64, I received this output (and then freeze):
CONNECTED(00000003) depth=0 /C=CZ/ST=Moravia/L=Brno/O=Red Hat Czech s.r.o./OU=Engineering/CN=fedora12-64/emailAddress=jzeleny@redhat.com verify error:num=18:self signed certificate verify return:1 depth=0 /C=CZ/ST=Moravia/L=Brno/O=Red Hat Czech s.r.o./OU=Engineering/CN=fedora12-64/emailAddress=jzeleny@redhat.com verify return:1
Please note that the bug report you reference (509230) gives inconsistent information; it says that no hang occurs with -d2, but that hangs occur with no diagnostics, even with -d -1. Obviously -d -1 includes -d 2, so: does it hang, or not, with -d -1?
I believe what is stated there is that hangs don't occur with -d2, but they do with -d1 (not -d -1). I can also confirm this behaviour, that with -d1 hangs occur, but with -d2 they don't. (or at least I didn't encounter them during my testing).
Hopefully I provided some useful information.
Thanks, that helped, a fix is now in CVS HEAD.
I should point out that the configuration used to reproduce this problem is quite a poor one. As the OpenLDAP Admin Guide clearly states, your server should only be configured with the CA certs for which it will accept client certs. Your ca-bundle.crt file is 670KB and loaded with a lot of CAs that are irrelevant; it's when slapd sends the client its list of acceptable CAs that the connection was getting jammed.