Full_Name: Binoy Joseph Version: 2.4.21 OS: Linux URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
I run OpenLDAP 2.4.21 configured to bdb on Windows and Linux. We run some applications on top of our application framework which in turn is connected to OpenLDAP via JLDAP. We list children of 'cn=soap nodes' (search LDAP) very often as shown in the DIT below. I wrote a test case to create soapnode, soapproc, connectionpoint and then delete them one after the other, ie I create set1, delete set1, create set2, delete set2... Note that list children of 'cn=soap nodes' happen in parallel as mentioned above.
Randomly but very consistently, suddenly we face an LDAP not responding issue. When I connect via an LDAP Explorer, I am able to see and expand most of the LDAP entries, except the 'cn=soap nodes' as shown in the DIT below, which says LDAP query did not return indefinitely. CPU: slapd shoots to 50% in Windows and 100% in Linux. Then I have to kill slapd and start again.
This does not happen in OpenLDAP 2.4.16. After upgrading to 2.4.21 this started happening. When I switched to hdb, this does not occur in Linux, but continues to happen in Windows. This also looks very similar to http://www.openldap.org/its/index.cgi?findid=6322, Subject: slapd suddenly stops working, and starts using 100% CPU.
o=org1 | +-cn=soap nodes | +-cn=soapnode1 | | | +cn=soapproc1 | | | +cn=connectionpoint1 | +-cn=soapnode2 . .
Thanks and regards, Binoy Joseph