No ideas, this problem doesn't occur on my Linux system. We've slapadd'd and slapcat'd databases of over a terabyte in size, with hundreds of millions of entries, and never seen slapcat grow beyond the size of the BDB cache. How large is your cache in DB_CONFIG? wrote:
Full_Name: Paolo Rossi Version: 2.3.27 OS: Solaris 8 URL: Submission from: (NULL) (
Hi, during some test on very huge DB, due to see how syncrepl works in this scenario, I've found a strange behavior:
Solaris 8 on 2xUSIII+ 4GB RAM openLDAP 2.3.27 BDB
backend hdb
1 provider, 1 consumer, 1 consumer with filter.
on 1 million dn LDAP whit 2 sub-dn for each dn, all the systems works fine, when I've tried to use a 10m dn with 3 sub-dn (very big ldap, openldap-data dir about 20GB):
slapadd with -w on producer. it works. some ldapsearch, it works.
stop producer, slapcat the producer to obtain the ldif for consumer preload and... bum
after about 150 minutes of slapcat, memory full (look the screenshot of top )
PID |USERNAME | SIZE |RES |TIME | CPU |COMMAND 21495 | ldap |4072M |3591M |150:07 | 21.36% |slapd
memory full, then coredump and a console messages:
ch_malloc of 16392 bytes failed ch_malloc.c:57: failed assertion `0'
the out ldif was about 85% of the full LDAP
I've tried again with same results.
Then I've tried to syncrepl the entire DB, turning on the empty consumers (crazy idea ;) i know ) but the provider memory allocated, again reached 4GB and... bum
core dumped
in the slapd.log
ch_calloc of 1 elems of 80 bytes failed
second try: ch_malloc of 16 bytes failed
seems to be a issue like ITS#4010
some ideas?