--- Comment #11 from NikoPLP --- I didn't want to be harsh. I just wanted to explain why the bug is still here 2 years after the bug report. It is because the code of LMDB encryption at rest is hard to debug, because it is undocumented and hard to read. If it wasn't the case I would probably have been able to submit a patch like I did for another bug, or at least give more hints to Howard so he could find the real bug. I did extensive debugging and tracing back then. and the experience was frustrating. It is not a criticism addressed to Howard, because the code is from someone else, whose name i forgot (check the commits) and who seems to have disappeared. He is not here to answer for his code. And I am not sure how much Howard is in control over that part of the code. As I said earlier, if this part of the code is not under control of Howard, it should probably be dropped and reimplemented. But if the current maintainer and original creator (Howard) is capable of fixing it, then that would be great, of course. Looking forward your reproductible test case :)