Full_Name: Damaris Version: 2.2.20 OS: ubuntu URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
Hi, i'm a newbie on this. I am trying to import an entry in my phpldapadmin:
dn: uid=dama, ou=rediris, ou=pfc, c=es ObjectClass:person ObjectClass:top Uid: damaris Sn: dama Cn: dama su co
I have tried with a lot of entries, and it says always the same:
The LDAP server refused to perform the operation phpldapadmin
Can anyone help me? I have installed db Berkeley, and i have no problem to connect and bind to my ldap server. I have no problem to connect to phpldapadmin too, but i cannot import any entry! Is something about the schemas??
Than u in advance,