--- Comment #5 from Howard Chu --- (In reply to Michael Ströder from comment #4)
(In reply to Quanah Gibson-Mount from comment #3)
Commits: • e1c90d09 by Howard Chu at 2021-07-27T16:12:14+01:00 ITS#9584 serialize refresh phase
Does this affect all backends?
The subject of this ITS implies that an issue for cn=config is solved.
I'm asking because I see some potential operational trouble when automatically configuring and starting multiple consumers at once (with puppet, ansible or similar) and refresh phase takes some time.
The overall time required will actually be shorter. Previously, without this serialization, all of the consumers would start at the same time and make redundant requests to their respective providers. Starting from the same cookie, they would each obtain the same content from their providers, so the same data is transmitted N times. The consumers go thru the entries one by one and end up ignoring the majority of the data.
By serializing the start, one consumer will pull down the bulk of the data, and then when it finishes, the next consumer will be using the latest cookie when it talks to its provider, so no redundant data will be downloaded.