--- Comment #16 from Quanah Gibson-Mount --- (In reply to David Coutadeur from comment #14)
I have made some progress in ppm integration, but I have some blocking questions:
- I suppose you want a merge request on openldap/openldap master branch and
not OPENLDAP_REL_ENG_2_5, am I right?
Correct, all merges go against master.
- I get a segfault when my client first connects to slapd when I compile
master branch with:
Do you have the same error? Is this due to a specific option?
I've not encountered any segfaults, so it may be a compile specific option. The master branch goes through constant CI/CD with the full test suite and is not exhibiting any problems. I will see if I can reproduce the issue with your specific compile options.
- I noticed nssov overlay does not compile correctly: there is a missing
#include <errno.h> somewhere, and other remaining bugs.
Ok, feel free to open up issue reports about it.
- do you expect other integration things than the code deployed into
contrib/slapd-modules with an appropriate Makefile, README, LICENSE,...?
- about the Notice, I have made two separate files in the ppm directory:
LICENSE and NOTICES. The license is the OpenLDAP License. The notice is the following:
The IPR notification goes into this bug, not as a separate file. The LICENSE file itself sounds fine.