--- Comment #1 from Ondřej Kuzník ---
On a new production server 2.6.0 on ubuntu 20.04 LTS uptodate. After adding an olcAccess attribute I got a segfault. The aclValue added is {9}to attrs=ipbCompteValide,ipbEtendue,mailForwardingAddress by dn.base="uid=cptadmin,ou=people,dc=ipb,dc=fr" write by * read
(the ipbXXX attrs are local ones).
I have tried to add it twice and it did segfault twice.
Here are the last logs for the server (logLevel was on sync).
Please provide simplified configs (or at least sanitised to remove passwords) and a way to reproduce.
All crash reports should also provide a gdb backtrace, if unsure how to generate one, see the related FAQ entry to assist you: