Full_Name: Ali Pouya Version: 2.4.11 OS: Linux 2.6 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
I think there is a documentation issue for OpenLdap 2.4.11 : The chapter 17.4.4 of the Admin Guide recommends configuring TWO sycrepl directives for each mirror side. If I do so, the contextCSN of the stand by mirror gets corrupted very easily. But if I confugure the mirrors with only ONE syncrepl directive it's OK.
The test environment : I have a test directory with two mirrors A (sid=1) and B (sid=2) configured as recommended in the Admin's Guide, and a replica C connected to A. The directory contains 10 million objects, and I use the server A for writing 500 000 new ones.
Very often and without any apparent reason the contextCSN in the memory of B gets suddenly corrupted while those of A and C are OK. In this situation the contextCSN of B gets stuck but B continues to receive data from A.
The value of contextCSN in base 64 is :
contextCSN: 20080727021429.070493Z#000000#000#000000 contextCSN:: +HYDCTA4MDIwMzM3MTguMzAwMTExWiMwMDAwMDAjMDAxIzAwMDAwMA==
I note that only the part indicating the year (2008) is garbled. May be this part is handled differently ?
At service shutdown B writes the corrupt contextCSN to the disk. At service startup B reads the corrupt contextCSN from the disk and begins to scan ALL of the data base.
Also it sends a sync request to A (a persitent search containing the corrupt contextCSN in the control field) causing A to scan the WHOLE data base. The replica C remains safe.
If I reverse the roles of A and B the corruption occurs on A (always on the stand by mirror).
I have already encountered the contextCSN corruption problem in OpenLdap 2.3 and this was one of my reasons to migrate to 2.4.11.
Thanks for your HELP Best Regards Ali Pouya