--- Comment #1 from Howard Chu --- (In reply to Peter Childs from comment #0)
I'm attempting to upgrade out current openldap server from our rather old openldap running under SL6 onto something slightly more modern.
I'm looking to start using multimaster and mdb rather than bdb etc etc.
When I try and enable delta-replication to use mdb using
I'm getting a segmentation fault.
5f311f55 register_at: AttributeType "( olmMDBAttributes:1 NAME ( 'olmMDBPagesMax' ) DESC 'Maximum number of pages' SUP monitorCounter NO-USER-MODIFICATION USAGE dSAOperation )": Inconsistent duplicate attributeType, 5f311f55 mdb_monitor_initialize: register_at failed for attributeType (( olmMDBAttributes:1 NAME ( 'olmMDBPagesMax' ) DESC 'Maximum number of pages' SUP monitorCounter NO-USER-MODIFICATION USAGE dSAOperation ))
This error indicates you have two different versions of the back-mdb module loaded into slapd. You need to remove one of them.