Full_Name: Pavel Medvedev Version: OS: Windows 7 URL: Submission from: (NULL) (
Most Windows API functions such as CreateFile(), CreateMutex(), OpenMutex() that accept string arguments, are defined with suffix W or A for appropriate wchar_t* or char* strings, depending of _UNICODE preprocessor define. Calling explicit functions with A suffix would eliminate compile errors when _UNICODE is defined.
Thanks, committed to mdb.master.
As a further enhancement, I think path argument encoding should be documented (probably UTF-8?) for such functions as mdb_env_open(), mdb_env_copy(), mdb_env_copy2(), and mdb_env_get_path(). This prevent possible problems with non-latin characters in path names on Windows.
In this case, LMDB implementation on Windows should perform path conversion to UTF-16 and explicit call to CreateFileW() in mdb_env_open() and mdb_env_copy2() functions.
We've been discussing this change on and off for a while. That sounds like the correct approach; patches welcome.