Javier.Fernandez@cern.ch wrote:
Full_Name: Javier Fernandez Version: 2.2.13 OS: SL4 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
OpenLDAP 2.2 was moved to Historical status a few years ago. Upgrade to a current supported release if you want anyone to look into this.
Hi, ldapsearch gets stuck retrieving info and after some minutes the following error message is thrown: ldap_result: Can't contact LDAP server (-1)
I'm using: ldapsearch -V ldapsearch: @(#) $OpenLDAP: ldapsearch 2.2.13 (May 3 2007 03:01:11) $ root@lxcert-amd64:/scratch/rpmbuild.7430.xx7460/openldap-2.2.13/openldap-2.2.13/build-clients/clients/tools (LDAP library: OpenLDAP 20213)
under Linux 2.6.9-55.EL.cernsmp #1 SMP Thu May 10 18:09:56 CEST 2007 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Things used to work until one day when it began to give problems, so it could be a site network port filtering problem, but our network administrator does not know how to debug, so we would need any hint on how to trace back the problem.
The command, which starts working but after some time gets stuck, is:
ldapsearch -p 2170 -h exp-bdii.cern.ch -x -LLL -b "o=grid" -d -1
Of course, we CAN do a telnet on that port and that host. Any help is really welcome and apreciated. Here is a snippet from the output of the command: