-----Original Message-----
From: Pierangelo Masarati <ando(a)sys-net.it>
To: jemeterisan(a)mail.ru
Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 19:10:03 +0200
Subject: Re: (ITS#4971) patch for OpenLDAP 2-3-32
> I assume you refer to a patch that was submitted along with ITS#4868;
> that patch is absolutely incorrect and in fact it has been rejected. A
> consistent fix has been applied to hEAD code. It has never been
> backported to OpenLDAP 2.3 because nobody fed back about it. If you
> wish to test HEAD code and report success, I'll be happy to backport it
> to OpenLDAP 2.3 so that it gets released with the next release.
O.k, thanks. But, I would like to know, what does the termin "HEAD code" mean? And where can I get it? Sorry for my educationless...
> Any blob-like format would be fine (although I haven't tested it with
> PostgreSQL yet).
So, do You mean BLOB-like format as oid (in PostgreSQL), or just something like varbit type? I tried to put BLOBs in PostgreSQL by ldapadd - it's possible. But I had some problems when I tried to read from oid. I just had got the value of oid, but not stored data.
With best wishes,