openldap-technical April 2014
  • 61 participants
  • 55 discussions
import new schema via ldapmodify
by Nikos Voutsinas 26 Apr '14

26 Apr '14

25 Apr '14

25 Apr '14
failed bind after password update
by Emmanuel Dreyfus 24 Apr '14

24 Apr '14
slapcat -F failing to backup
by 24 Apr '14

24 Apr '14
[LMDB] Access violation
by Alain 23 Apr '14

23 Apr '14
SAML Identity Provider for OpenLDAP
by Marc Patermann 22 Apr '14

22 Apr '14

22 Apr '14
TLS init def ctx failed: -73
by ChiiSama 20 Apr '14

20 Apr '14
bug(?) with initial/seed syncrepl
by Jephte Clain 19 Apr '14

19 Apr '14
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