Here is our setup: 2 master in mirrormode with accesslog replication and several slaves with lastbind and chain overlay. Everything works, but the accesslog db is quite large and filled with authtimestamp updates from client hosts running sssd. We also have a disk performance issue when the cleanup process is launched every 4h.
We plan to reduce the accesslog history by setting 12h retention and increase cleanup . It should reduce the number of entries and therefore lighten the cleanup process but:
I wonder if increasing the frequency will also have a positive effects (as the though here is that there will be less entries to delete).
I think that allocated pages in the mdb database won't change. Is there a safe way to reduce the db size ?
Finally, we considered not logging the sssd auth timestamp updates, but lastbind doesn't have any option to filter which branch is allowed to update, the only option is to set the precision to a higher value. Is there a way to achieve this ?
Any suggestion will be warmly appreciated.
Thank you