Full_Name: Howard Chu Version: HEAD etc OS: URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) ( Submitted by: hyc
In commit 8ee824832844c16d4199f3aacd8b1d613933a7d5 we have "LDAP_TAILQ fix" but no explanation of what was broken. In particular though, the LDAP_TAILQ_PREV macro is now broken. It checks for foo == LDAP_TAILQ_FIRST(head) which becomes foo == (head)->tqh_first but the initializer actually used foo = &(head).tqh_first so this comparison will always be false.
I don't see any clear reason why these were changed from the originals. I'm inclined to revert the change. Reverting will affect a few uses of LDAP_TAILQ_LAST in back-ldap and back-meta but the other affected macros appear to be unused in our source tree.
Tripped over this while attempting to use LDAP_TAILQ_PREV in new code.