Full_Name: Aaron Richton Version: 2.3.40 OS: Solaris 9 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
$ ldapsearch -LLL '(cn=' dn:: Y249MbcyLjIzLjU4LjIxMCxjbj1DbGllbnRzLGNuPVJlc05ldCBTZXJ2aWNlIENvbmZpZyxvd T1Ib3N0IENvbmZpZyxvPVJ1dGdlcnMgQ0NGLGM9VVM= objectClass: top objectClass: dhcpHost cn: dhcpStatements: fixed-address dhcpHWAddress: ethernet 00:17:3f:bf:c2:04
Is it just me, or does my cn attribute not match the cn in the dn? Uhhh...now what? (and no, I wasn't using an editor on the bdb files, or whatever other conspiracy theory is out there.) Also, if it helps, you can see on openldap-software my other misadventures with 2.3.40...this is just one that's really easy to prove.