Full_Name: Hallvard B Furuseth Version: HEAD, RE23 OS: URL: Submission from: (NULL) ( Submitted by: hallvard
Backends are quite inconsistent about how Bind treats rootdn/rootpw. After a quick browse of the HEAD code, it looks like this - I'll investigate closer if needed:
rootpw supported: Yes: config, bdb, meta, monitor, ldif, HEAD:null, sql, overlay retcode. No: dnssrv, ldap?, RE23:null, perl, relay, shell. (Bind not supported: passwd).
Rootpw vs. normal Bind as rootdn (typically when rootdn names an entry): config, bdb, null, sql, overlay retcode (I think): Try rootpw first, then if failure try normal Bind (even if rootpw exists but the Bind password does not match it). ldif: Do not try rootpw if rootdn names an existing entry. meta: Fail if rootpw is missing or does not match, more complicated otherwise. monitor: Fine - there are no entries with passwords. The manpage is (fortunately:-) unclear on what happens in this case.
Check if op->orb_method == LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE: Yes: config, bdb, meta, monitor. No: ldif, null, sql, overlay retcode.
Set op->orb_edn (op->oq_bind.rb_edn) from be_root_dn() on success: config, bdb, monitor, sql.
Set op->orb_edn on failure: bdb: Sometimes, from &e->e_name. sql: Always, from op->o_req_ndn.
Set rs->sr_err = LDAP_SUCCESS on success: ldif, meta
Reset rs->sr_text: meta
Which behavior is right? I'm wondering if Bind should fail if rootpw exists but the Bind password does not match it.
In any case, methinks we need a be_rootpw_bind(op, rs) function which takes care of this consistently, so bi_op_bind in most cases can just do if (be_rootpw_bind(op, rs)) return rs->sr_err; If needed it could accept rs==NULL to just check the password - like be_isroot_pw() but with more return codes to distinguish different cases.