Full_Name: Quanah Gibson-Mount Version: 2.3.37 OS: URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
After getting repeat DB corruptions, I finally tracked down the issue to this:
If DB_CONFIG has changed since the last time slapd was started, and slapindex -q is run, the database ends up corrupt.
For example, I did the following with a perfectly happy slapd:
ldap stop Killing slapd with pid 9857 done.
cd /opt/zimbra/openldap-data touch DB_CONFIG /opt/zimbra/openldap/sbin/slapindex -b '' -q -f /opt/zimbra/conf/slapd.conf
bdb_db_open: DB_CONFIG for suffix has changed. Performing database recovery to activate new settings. bdb(): DB_RECOVER and DB_RECOVER_FATAL require DB_TXN_INIT in DB_ENV->open bdb(): PANIC: Invalid argument bdb_db_open: Database cannot be recovered, err -30978. Restore from backup! backend_startup_one: bi_db_open failed! (-30978) slap_startup failed
One of the things this does, is break syncreplication, as it apparently clears out the glue entry. :/