Full_Name: Emily Backes Version: 2.4 OS: URL: Submission from: (NULL) (
Currently, back-ldap stores credentials in the outbound connection structure. When that disappears, e.g. from idle-timeout, conn-ttl, network lossage, AD trouble, etc., the connection becomes unbound and AD returns err=1 (Operations error), which isn't enougfofor back-ldap to treat it as LDAP_UNAVAILABLE.
Howard reports this is working-as-designed, even if the design is bad. Several ITS filings are still open about this problem; 5110, 6571, and 7464 are all related.
At a minimum, we should drop the client connection if we can't keep the session stable. If we keep it open, we need to ensure we can precisely duplicate the client session-state, including credentials. (this would be very useful).