Full_Name: Daniil Harun Version: 2.4.26 OS: FreeBSD, Linux URL: Submission from: (NULL) (
OpenLDAP does not save the attribute "jpegphoto" in the sql database. Use back-sql, unixodbc and postgresql database. The reason for the problem of the use of the data type SQL_VARCHAR instead of SQL_LONGVARBINARY.
slapd debug output:
backsql_modify_internal(): adding new values for attribute "jpegPhoto" backsql_modify_internal(): arg(2)=1 backsql_modify_internal(): arg(1)="����"; executing "UPDATE personal SET jpegphoto=? WHERE id=?" backsql_modify_internal(): add_proc execution failed (rc=-1, prc=0) Return code: -1 nativeErrCode=7 SQLengineState=22021 msg="ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xff; Error while executing the query"
SQL tracing is enabled:
[ODBC][23880][1313994179.641693][SQLPrepare.c][196] Entry: Statement = 0x293eae00 SQL = [UPDATE personal SET jpegphoto=? WHERE id=?][length = 42 (SQL_NTS)] [ODBC][23880][1313994179.641791][SQLPrepare.c][371] Exit:[SQL_SUCCESS] [ODBC][23880][1313994179.641886][SQLBindParameter.c][217] Entry: Statement = 0x293eae00 Param Number = 2 Param Type = 1 C Type = -27 SQL_C_UBIGINT SQL Type = 4 SQL_INTEGER Col Def = 0 Scale = 0 Rgb Value = 0xbf1fc7a4 Value Max = 0 StrLen Or Ind = 0x0 [ODBC][23880][1313994179.641988][SQLBindParameter.c][397] Exit:[SQL_SUCCESS] [ODBC][23880][1313994179.642182][SQLBindParamet[ODBC][23880][1313994179.641693][SQLPrepare.c][196] Entry: Statement = 0x293eae00 SQL = [UPDATE personal SET jpegphoto=? WHERE id=?][length = 42 (SQL_NTS)] [ODBC][23880][1313994179.641791][SQLPrepare.c][371] Exit:[SQL_SUCCESS] [ODBC][23880][1313994179.641886][SQLBindParameter.c][217] Entry: Statement = 0x293eae00 Param Number = 2 Param Type = 1 C Type = -27 SQL_C_UBIGINT SQL Type = 4 SQL_INTEGER Col Def = 0 Scale = 0 Rgb Value = 0xbf1fc7a4 Value Max = 0 StrLen Or Ind = 0x0 [ODBC][23880][1313994179.641988][SQLBindParameter.c][397] Exit:[SQL_SUCCESS] [ODBC][23880][1313994179.642182][SQLBindParameter.c][217] Entry: Statement = 0x293eae00 Param Number = 1 Param Type = 1 C Type = 1 SQL_C_CHAR SQL Type = 12 SQL_VARCHAR Col Def = 2790 Scale = 0 Rgb Value = 0x29529700 Value Max = 2790 StrLen Or Ind = 0x0 [ODBC][23880][1313994179.642284][SQLBindParameter.c][397] Exit:[SQL_SUCCESS] [ODBC][23880][1313994179.642741][SQLExecute.c][187] Entry: Statement = 0x293eae00 [ODBC][23880][1313994179.645733][SQLExecute.c][348] Exit:[SQL_ERROR] DIAG [22021] ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xff; Error while executing the query er.c][217] Entry: Statement = 0x293eae00 Param Number = 1 Param Type = 1 C Type = 1 SQL_C_CHAR SQL Type = 12 SQL_VARCHAR Col Def = 2790 Scale = 0 Rgb Value = 0x29529700 Value Max = 2790 StrLen Or Ind = 0x0 [ODBC][23880][1313994179.642284][SQLBindParameter.c][397] Exit:[SQL_SUCCESS] [ODBC][23880][1313994179.642741][SQLExecute.c][187] Entry: Statement = 0x293eae00 [ODBC][23880][1313994179.645733][SQLExecute.c][348] Exit:[SQL_ERROR] DIAG [22021] ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xff; Error while executing the query
OpenLDAP uses the wrong data - types SQL_C_CHAR,SQL_VARCHAR instead of SQL_C_BINARY,SQL_LONGVARBINARY. How to make use of the correct data types?