Full_Name: Hallvard B Furuseth Version: HEAD, RE24 OS: URL: Submission from: (NULL) ( Submitted by: hallvard
Signal handlers slapd/daemon.c:slap_sig_shutdown()/slap_sig_wake() need to save/restore errno, since they call functions that can modify errno.
And/or possibly they need sock_errno() - sock_errset() from ac/socket.h, since they use tcp_write()? I don't know if that's safe inside signal handlers, or if Windows itself saves/restores this code around signal handlers.
slapd/main.c:wait4child() can loop forever after EINTR, since it checks for errno even when the waitpid returns 0. I don't know if there is a good reason it does that. Some of the commits have my name on them but I think I copied it from elsewhere.
Anyway, I'm doing the minimal changes now: save/restore errno, and set errno=0 in each loop iteration instead of before the loop. Anyone with better ideas can take it from there.