Full_Name: Ondrej Kuznik Version: master OS: URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/debug_macro_refactor.tgz Submission from: (NULL) (
The patch series in the linked archive changes the logging macros to be fully variadic: - 00-fixes.patch - fixes proposed in ITS#8730 - 01-logging.patch updates the macros themselves - 02-manual.patch updates some legal but unnecessary constructs - 03-variadic.patch (generated from 03-variadic.cocci against today's master 20e46d84948be3127f6145d4f65437091bb87580) replaces the current Debug(level, "fmt", 0, 0, 0) with Debug(level, "fmt"), etc. - 04-back-sql.patch updates parts of back-sql that coccinelle cannot currently process - 05-nssov.patch updates nssov where coccinelle cannot see past some of the macros - 06-shortcut.patch (generated from 06-shortcut.cocci) replaces the snprintf(buf);Debug("fmt", buf) workaround with Debug() - 07-snprintf-manual.patch updates what coccinelle cannot pick up without 08-merge.cocci - (nonexistent 08-merge.patch which would be generated by 08-merge.cocci if it could process servers/slapd/back-asyncmeta/search.c without timing out)
Where a corresponding .cocci file is present, the patch has been generated with coccinelle[0] as of commit 42e4638bfacf13ab1a8acc35b40e216e34087578. To regenerate them (perhaps against a different OpenLDAP branch), the following command line can be used:
spatch --timeout 300 --macro-file-builtins macros.h -dir --sp-file <cocci file> --dir .
This will generate a patch on stdout, or, with "--in-place", will effect the changes directly on the source tree. The existence of 06-shortcut.cocci would not normally be necessary if the organisation of the file servers/slapd/back-meta/search.c did not cause coccinelle to take days to process it. This file is included for anyone trying to make sure the cleanup is complete even when some of the things that hold in OpenLDAP's master branch would not. Because of an oversight, this also means 08-merge.cocci does not perform all the clean up that 06-shortcut.cocci does and would need to be transplanted.
The attached file is derived from OpenLDAP Software. All of the modifications to OpenLDAP Software represented in the following patch(es) were developed by Ondřej Kuzník okuznik@symas.com. I have not assigned rights and/or interest in this work to any party.
The attached semantic patches and modifications to OpenLDAP Software are subject to the following notice:
Copyright 2017, Ondřej Kuzník okuznik@symas.com, Symas Corporation
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP Public License.